Undergraduate Handbook
This Undergraduate Handbook is intended to serve as a planning guide and to answer many of the typical questions students have about the College of Education. Diligent use of this undergraduate handbook, along with assistance from academic advisors, should lead students to the satisfactory completion of their academic goals at Mississippi State University.
It is the student’s responsibility to be sure that all the requirements in a particular curriculum are fulfilled before the student applies for a degree. Therefore, it is imperative that each student become familiar with the requirements as outlined in this handbook and in the Bulletin of Mississippi State University (university catalog). This handbook is intended to be used as a supplement to the Bulletin.
The College of Education reserves the right to make programmatic changes. These changes may result from policy decisions, which come from the University, the Institutions of Higher Learning, the Board of Trustees, the Mississippi Department of Education, and/or the Legislature.
General Information
- Mississippi State University Vision and Mission
- College of Education Vision and Mission
- Accreditation
- Administration and Dean's Office Directory
- Academic Departments
- Professional Organizations
- Support Services
MSU Academic Policies
- General Education Core Curriculum
- Transfer from Community College
- Academic Standing (Probation, Suspension, & Dismissal)
- Academic Amnesty policy
- Academic Fresh Start policy
- Academic Forgiveness/Retake policy
- Add/Drop policy
- Withdrawals
- Change of Major policy
- Incomplete Grade (Grades of I)
- Grade Appeal policy
- Request to Take Courses at Another Institution
College of Education Policies
- Professional Dispositions
- Proof of Professional Liability Insurance
- Criminal Background Check
- Praxis Information
- Exceptions to University Policies
- Grades of D in Teacher Education programs
- Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal from Teacher Education programs
- Professional Education Courses
- Field Experiences and Clinical Practice by program
- Add/Drop, Major Change, and Grade Appeals in the College of Education
Student Advising
- Advisor
- Graduation Checklist
- Application for Graduation
Admission, Retention, and Exit Requirements for Teacher Education Majors
- Phase I (Enrollment)
- Phase II (Admission to Teacher Education)
- Phase III (Admission to Teaching Internship)
- Exit Requirements
- Summary Table