Research Support

Research Support

If you are a faculty member preparing a proposal, please reference the following internal forms, grant systems, institution information and budget tools.

Proposal Forms

Policies and Procedures

MSU Grant Systems

Internal Grant System

All requests to OSP for proposal and award assistance should be initiated through the Service Request Portal. Please contact the college’s grant and contract specialist Kyle Baggerly at to initiate the ticket.

External Grant Systems

Cayuse 424 is an electronic research administration system that serves as a proposal development tool and submission portal to Cayuse 424 is a convenient, user-friendly interface that provides auto-filling of university and faculty profiles, and interactive error checking as the proposal is being developed.

MSU Institutional Information

OSP has compiled general information you may need for writing your grant proposal. Information such as the university DUNS number, EIN, and institutional representatives can be found on the OSP home page on the bottom left corner.

Budget Basics

Listed below are several tools to help you prepare your grant or project budget.

  • College of Education Budget Template: Helpful spreadsheet that will do budget calculations, such as increases in salary and indirect costs (F&A), for you. Please contact Kyle Baggerly at for the most up-to-date version.
  • Preparing Budget Justifications: Information on how to prepare your budget justification.
  • F&A Cost Rate Agreement: Our indirect cost rates are determined by an agreement with the federal government and MSU.

MSU Trainings

  • ORED Seminar Series: Seminars offered both in the fall and spring. Topics include IRB, project evaluation and writing tips.
  • Library Workshops: Workshops are scheduled throughout the semester and taught by knowledgeable MSU faculty and staff. Topics include research tools and methods, citation management and copyright.