Admission to Teacher Education (Phase II)

Admission to Teacher Education (Phase II)

Prior to Admission to Teacher Education, a teacher candidate must have done the following:

  • Completed a Phase II form
  • Achieved a minimum 2.75 GPA on 44 hours of academic credit including the 36-hour University core and a 2.5 overall GPA.  Advisors complete a check of the student’s University degree audit system (CAPP) to make sure this requirement has been fulfilled.
  • Earned a grade of C or higher in the following university core courses (excluding developmental, remedial, or intermediate courses): English Composition I & II and College Algebra or a math higher than College Algebra.
  • Submitted two completed recommendation forms from educators.
  • Submitted verification of 40 hours of work experience with children and youth.
  • Submitted proof of professional liability insurance.
  • Submitted signed dispositions form.
  • Completed a criminal background check.
  • Completion of Orientation Module
  • Presented a passing grade on one of the following tests:
    • ACT – composite score of 21, with no sub-set score below 18. SAT – based on MDE requirements.
    • Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) – must pass all three sections (recommended to be taken during freshman year).

Core Cut Scores

Reading (5712)


Writing (5722)


Mathematics (5732)


Scores cannot be combined.  A candidate must pass all three parts of the Core.

It is very important that students keep the originals of their Praxis I/Core test scores in a safe place since they will be required to show these originals to their faculty advisors in order to be admitted into Teacher Education. Students should request that ETS send a copy of their scores to Mississippi State University (Code R1480). Students attending the Meridian campus should have their scores sent both to Mississippi State University (Code R1480) and to the Meridian campus (Code R3336).  The faculty advisor is responsible for submitting the Phase II form to the Dean’s Office, 309 Allen Hall.

Students should begin the application to Teacher Education during pre-registration or orientation. Confidential recommendations must be sent to the Dean’s office, P.O. Box 9710, Mississippi State, MS 39762. All students must satisfy Phase II requirements before registering for restricted professional education courses.