Add/Drop, Major Changes, and Grade Appeals in the College of Education
Add/Drop without penalty
A student has through the 5th class day into the semester to drop a course and through the sixth day to add a course without being assessed a fee or academic penalty. These can be done in most cases electronically through the student’s banner account.
Late adds
In highly unusual circumstances, a student may need to be added into a course after the 6th day of class. For students wishing to do this, justification must be made in writing to accompany the add/drop form (available in the Dean’s Office, 309 Allen Hall, or in the student’s academic department) being filled out completely, to include instructor signature, advisor signature, then brought to the Dean’s office for final approval. The Dean’s office will send these to the registrar for processing.
Late drops (drop after fifth day of class through 36 days into semester)
All students who elect to drop a course during this period must receive the approval of their advisor as well as the dean. They will be assigned a “W” on their transcripts, and assessed a fee. Poor academic standing is not justification for dropping a course. The advisor who permits the drop will specify the effective date. The Dean’s office will send these to the registrar for processing.
Major Change
Students must meet with an advisor in their new department who will verify that their coursework and GPA are appropriate to the new major before filling out the Change of Major form. The advisor must initial the change of major form to indicate their approval.
Grade Appeal
In extremely rare circumstances, a student may wish to appeal their grade for a course. Please see university Academic Operating Policy and Procedure for proper steps to take.