CAEP Component R4.3 | RA.4.2
The Satisfaction of Completers provides the Mississippi State University College of Education (COE) invaluable information from first- and third-year teachers about their satisfaction with the COE’s initial teacher education programs and first year school administrators with the COE’s advanced programs in school administration.
The initial programs’ survey results provide information from completers about their knowledge, skills, and dispositions (preparedness) as they entered the workforce and assumed the responsibility of teaching P-12 students. The advanced programs’ survey results provide information from completers about their knowledge, skills, and dispositions (preparedness) as they assumed the responsibility of leading teachers and P-12 students as a school administrator.
This survey serves as a component of the COE’s overall plan to assess institutional effectiveness and compliance for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Standard 4 (R4.3-Satisfaction of Completers for Initial Programs and RA.4.2-Satisfaction of Completers for Advanced Programs).