Mississippi State celebrates research success with annual banquet

More than 50 Mississippi State students, faculty and staff are 2018 selections for exceptional research and leadership honors.
MSU President Mark E. Keenum welcomed honorees, their guests and senior administrators to a celebration of the university’s research achievements during a campus awards luncheon on April 16 in the Hunter Henry Center’s Hal and Linda Parker Ballroom.
The annual research awards program honors individuals who contribute significantly to MSU’s mission of research. In addition to faculty, it recognizes and rewards students and staff for accomplishments and creative endeavors, as well as for increasing awareness of the university’s many research programs and capabilities.
“The Annual Research Awards Banquet is a highlight of the academic year at Mississippi State, and it showcases the extraordinary diversity of our research portfolio,” said David Shaw, the university’s vice president for research and economic development.
Keenum praised them for their work and far-reaching impact in the state, the nation and globally — noting that each one is a “truly outstanding contributor.”
The College of Education is pleased to announce our winners: Daniel L. Gadke, faculty; Latara Arterberry, research support; Kasia Gallo, graduate student; and Allison Moore, undergraduate student.