Endowed scholarships and fellowships enable the College of Education to attract and retain the best and brightest students from throughout Mississippi, the region and the nation.
Scholarships primarily offer educational assistance for talented undergraduate students.
Fellowships offer educational assistance primarily for graduate students, and provide full or partial support that enables students to complete their educational experience at MSU.
Minimum endowment levels for scholarships and fellowships have been established. These include:
Annual Scholarship $1000
Scholarships - $25,000
Graduate Fellowships - $250,000
Post-doctoral Fellowships - $300,000
Presidential Endowed Scholarship $250,000
Endowed Faculty Positions
Naming opportunities for chairs and professorships are available.
Endowed chair designation is linked to a select faculty position filled by an outstanding scholar and teacher, as judged by rigorous, nationally accepted standards. A named professorship faculty position will be occupied by an exceptionally gifted scholar.
Named professorships typically are held by faculty members whose accomplishments indicate potential for national and international leadership and distinction in their field, and whose current efforts are focused on honing eaching skills and/or establishing a superior record of research or other scholarly activity.
Minimum levels for endowed faculty positions have been established. These include:
Chair - $1,500,000
Professorship - $500,000
There are other opportunities as well. Please contact the Director of Development for more information on these or other giving opportunities.
Teaching, Service, Research, and Staff Awards $25,000
Classroom $50,000
Conference Room $50,000
Auditorium $50-100,000
Distance Learning Classroom $75,000
Electronic Classroom $200,000
Laboratory $500,000
Visiting Lecture Series $250,000
Distinguished Lectureship $1,000,000
Presidential Lecture Series $1,000,000
Naming Opportunities
Center or Institute $2,500,000
School or Department $5,000,000
College $10,000,000