Kinesiology Assistant Professor Helps Establish Department’S Neuromechanics Lab

Kinesiology Assistant Professor Helps Establish Department’S Neuromechanics Lab

Photo of Harish Chander in his lab.

Ask Harish Chander what he is most proud of professionally as an assistant professor, and he immediately explains what research—and its practical application—mean to him.

“Research isn’t just about the publication of academic papers or chapters in a book; it’s about constantly improving knowledge and building upon what you learn every day,” Chander said. “That’s what we are doing at the Mississippi State neuromechanics laboratory in the Department of Kinesiology.”

A native of India, Chander went to physical therapy school, but after practicing for a few years he decided to make a change. This led him to a master’s degree and then a doctoral program at the University of Mississippi.

“Very quickly, I realized that while I enjoyed practicing physical therapy, my heart really lies with research. In research, not only can I use my knowledge of physical therapy, but I also can continue to develop and discover new things that can help improve the lives of firefighters, military personnel, and assembly line workers,” Chander said.

Transitioning to Starkville was natural for him and his wife, Jay. They had grown to love college towns, and Starkville was the perfect size. Since joining Mississippi State’s faculty in 2014, Chander has helped launch and lead the university’s neuromechanics lab.

In addition to his academic credentials, Chander is a member of the American Society of Biomechanics, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society, International Council of Motor Sports, South-East American College of Sports Medicine, and an American Red Cross certified CPR/AED instructor.

Now the lab’s co-director, Chander’s research focuses on biomechanics and a range of subjects from human factors and ergonomics to the impact of footwear on human balance and gait. His projects aim to create safer and more efficient work environments for those who have physically strenuous jobs. His research has been funded by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, National Science Foundation and the NSF I-Corps program, with industry research support from PACCAR Engine Company. Along with MSU’s Industrial Systems Engineering Department, he also has a pending provisional patent for the collaborative invention titled, “Ankle Complex Wearable for Kinematic and Kinetic Movement Data Capture and Assessment.” This patent is based on their funded NSF–Partnership for Innovation research project that utilizes soft robotic stretch sensors to detect foot and ankle human movement during various athletic training and tasks.

“When I first came here, the department was in the process of converting a classroom into what is now the neuromechanics lab. I got to help create the lab, and now that it has been running for four years, my dream is to make it increasingly more competitive,” Chander said. “I want other professionals to visit Mississippi State to see how we do things, and we are well on our way to achieving that.”