Indicators of Teaching Effectiveness
CAEP Component R4.1
Mississippi State University (MSU) College of Education (COE) partnered with school districts/administrators in the state of Mississippi to complete case studies on MSU initial undergraduate teacher education completer/graduates who are now in the teaching profession using the Teacher Growth Rubric (TGR). As referenced on the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) website, the purpose of the Teacher Growth Rubric is to provide the following:
- Enhance the impact that teachers have on students and other school community stakeholders
- Highlights the teacher's strengths and identifies areas of growth
- Serves as a guide for teachers as they reflect on their own practices
- Provides shared understanding regarding priorities goals and expectations of quality practice
Through the MDE's structured and validated Teacher Growth Rubric (TGR), the rubric has four domains (I-Lesson Design, II- Student Understanding, III-Culture and Learning Environment, and IV-Professional Responsibilities) and nine standards.
A teacher's practice on each standard is evaluated in accordance with a four-level rating scale:
- Level 4 Practice: This teacher demonstrates advanced instructional practices, particularly those that foster student ownership of learning and the environment. Level 4 practice goes above and beyond the expectations for an effective teacher.
- Level 3 Practice: This teacher demonstrates effective instructional practices. Level 3 teaching is characterized by "teacher-directed success” while Level 4 teaching is characterized by "student directed success.” Level 3 practices are expected of all effective teachers.
- Level 2 Practice: A teacher demonstrating Level 2 practices is making attempts but does not fully demonstrate effectiveness. This teacher has potential to become effective, but requires clear, specific, and actionable feedback to improve his/her practice. A teacher whose practice is at Level 2 is a high potential teacher. High-quality feedback is essential in improving his/her practice.
- Level 1 Practice: This teacher should receive immediate and comprehensive professional learning and support(s) designed to address the identified area(s) for growth.
The College received beneficial data that demonstrates the effectiveness of MSU completers who are now teachers in the field on the application of professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions that their preparation experiences were designed to achieve with the results listed below.