Transition Services that Lead to Competitive Employment Outcomes for Transition-Age Individuals with Blindness or Other Visual Impairments
Project 1 involves conducting an integrative (systematic) literature review to identify and synthesize research on services leading to successful employment and other postsecondary outcomes for blind youth. Project 2 includes analysis of five national cross-sectional and longitudinal data sources to explore relationships between potential causes or influencing factors and positive transition outcomes of youth who are blind or visually impaired. Specialized approaches used in analysis of the longitudinal data sources will allow opportunity for causal inferences. Project 3 uses qualitative and quantitative methods in the collection of data from a variety of sources (focus groups with rehabilitation professionals, teachers, SSA representatives, and others; interviews with consumers; VR case records). Factors that impact the employment status of transition-age youth will be identified. Project 4 involves using knowledge gained from Projects 1, 2, and 3 to identify and develop, demonstrate, and evaluate the effectiveness of two interventions—one targeting youth who are preparing to transition from high school to employment or college and the other targeting youth who are preparing to transition from college to employment
Funding Source:
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Funding Level:
$$450,000 per year for 3 years