The education curriculum for the preparation of teachers was developed in 1903 at Mississippi State University with the establishment of the Department of Industrial Education. The School of Industrial Pedagogy was organized in 1909. This name was changed to the School of Education in 1935 and to the College of Education in 1963.
Deans of the College of Education
1935 — 1940
Sam P. Hathorne
1940 — 1956
Burrow P. Brooks
1956 — 1959
Theodore K. Martin
1959 — 1961
Homer S. Coskrey
1961 — 1970
Francis A. Rhodes
1970 — 1979
Merrill M. Hawkins
1979 — 1980
Max O. Heim
1980 — 1994
Arnold J. Moore
1994 — 2001
William H. Graves
2001 — 2004
Roy H. Ruby
2005 — 2021
Richard Blackbourn
2021 — Present
Teresa Jayroe
College Timeline
The Department of Industrial Education founded.
The Department of Industrial Education becomes the School of Industrial Pedagogy.
The name of the School of Industrial Pedagogy is changed to the School of Education, with V.G. Martin as Acting Dean; The School of Education taught Agricultural Education, Math & Science Education, Physical Education, and Trade & Industrial Education. Dean Sam P. Hathorne later named as 1st Dean.
Under Dean Burrow P. Brooks, the School of Education is first divided into distinct departments. Founded at this time are the Departments of General Education (which became Teacher Education and Leadership), Industrial Education (which became Industrial Technology, Instructional Design, and Community College Leadership), and Physical Education (which became Kinesiology).
The School of Education is first accredited by the Mississippi High School Accrediting Commission.
The Department of Guidance Education (which has become Counseling, Higher Education Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations) was founded.

At this time, the School of Education is housed in the Business and Education building, which is now Bowen Hall.

Dean Theodore K. Martin is named. The College’s T.K. Martin Center on Technology and Education is named for him.
Under Dean T.K. Martin, the Department of Music Education (now the Department of Music) was founded.
Dean Homer S. Coskrey is named.

Dean Francis A. Rhodes is named. Under Dean Rhodes, the School of Education achieves its first NCATE Accreditation. At this time, the School of Education was located in Hilbun Hall.

The name of the School of Education is changed to the College of Education.
Merrill M. Hawkins (who would later become Associate Dean, then Dean) is named the school’s first Assistant Dean.

Dean Merrill M. Hawkins is named. At this time, the Department of School Administration, Supervision, and Adult Education was established.

The College of Education is moved to Allen Hall, where it now resides.

The Bureau of Educational Research, the College’s first research center, is established, with Herbert M. Handley as Director.
The Learning Center is established.
Dean Max O. Heim is named.
Dean Arnold J. Moore is named.
The Research, Rehabilitation, and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision, now the National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision, is established.
Dean William H. Graves is named.

The Center for Educational Partnerships is established.
The T.K. Martin Center for Technology and Disability is established.
The Early Childhood Institute is founded.
Dean Roy H. Ruby is named.
Dean Richard Blackbourn is named.
The Partnership Middle School at MSU opens.

Dean Teresa Jayroe is named.
The new Music Building, adjacent to the Kent Sills Band Hall, opens.
The Mississippi Institute on Disabilities is formed, bringing the T.K. Martin Center for Technology and Disability and the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Clinic under a unifying moniker.