Quality Assurance System
The College of Education Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) maintains a quality assurance system that consists of valid data from multiple measures and supports continuous improvement that is sustained and evidence-based.
The system is developed and maintained with input from internal and external stakeholders. The provider uses the results of inquiry and data collection to establish priorities, enhance program elements and highlight innovations.
The university, including EPP, has a systematic and broad-based culture of quality assurance in place. Annually, all programs are required to identify expected outcomes and goals, assess the extent to which they achieve these outcomes and goals, and provide evidence of improvement based on the analysis of the results. EPP’s foundation for a broad-based assessment process is through the annual institutional effectiveness (IE) assessment reports. The annual assessment process begins in July and the cycle closes at the end of August. The university follows a conceptual model for IE reports that consist of a four-column matrix: Expected Outcomes/Goals, Assessment Procedures/Criteria, Assessment Results, and Use of Results.
The diagram below describes the process of the Quality Assurance System Assessment Cycle and is based on the foundation that:
- Assessment should be designed to support candidate learning.
- Faculty members are involved.
- External stakeholders should be intentionally included in the assessment processes from co-construction to making data-informed decisions.
- Assessment should be made relevant through integration into course and program activities.